Steps to request google to review the domain in question :
1. This can be done using google webmaster tool. For that visit the link : . Login using the username and password of the tester2mail or insiderhostalert google accounts that we have.
2. After login, you can find an "Add a site" option in that page. Click that and enter the domain which is blacklisted. Hit continue.
3. Now we must follow some verification steps to confirm that we are the actual owners/admins of that website. For that, you need to first download/copy a code that is generated. Click on the link "Download this HTML verification file" and open the download file in text pad. You will see a code of the following format:
google-site-verification: google960dbe738c464611.html
4. Create a file named google960dbe738c464611.html in the public_html of the blacklisted domain and copy the above code into that file. Save contents of file. Change the ownership of that file to that particular user.
5. Then in webmaster tool, hit the "Verify" button. This will make a successful verification of the site.
6. After the verification process is complete on the left side of the webmaster tool window, select the option "Health" and then the option "Malware". Clicking that will display the reason why google blocked that site. Try to clear the malware alerts in that page. After that on top there is an option "Request a Review". Hit that for google to review the site again. Usually google bots does the review in a day and if the site contents are free from malware it will be white-listed.
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