Wednesday, January 27, 2010

PHP Warning: POST Content-Length exceeds the limit


PHP Warning: POST Content-Length of xxxxx bytes exceeds the limit of xxxxxx bytes in Unknown on line 0

You receive the POST Content-Length error message if you exceed the size of the file that is

defined in php.ini file. The file you are uploading from a browser using POST should

havesize less than the post_max_size value defined in the PHP configuration file.


In order to upload a larger size file, increase the value of post_max_size variable.

1) Edit the php.ini file. You ca retrieve the path to php.ini using “php -i | grep php.ini”

pico /usr/local/lib/php.ini

2) Search the variable post_max_size. Suppose you need to upload a file of 50M, set the value to 60M.

post_max_size = 60M
upload_max_filesize = 60M

3) Save the file and restart the Apache service.

service httpd restart

That is it. You will now be able to upload the file using POST method.


  1. how do i restart the apache service??

  2. I have changed both th ini file(php.ini dev and php.ini production) but still the same error
