Tuesday, November 16, 2010

How a DNS works - Simple Example

* A User opens a web browser and tries to connect to www.google.com. The operating system not knowing the IP Address for www.google.com, asks the ISP's DNS Server for this information.

* The ISP's DNS Server does not know this information, so it connects to a Root Server to find out what name server, running somewhere in the world, to know the information about google.com.

* The Root Server tells the ISP's DNS Server to contact a particular name server that knows the information about google.com.

* The ISP's DNS Server connects to Google's DNS server and asks for the IP Address for www.google.com.

* Google's DNS Server responds to the ISP's DNS server with the appropriate IP Address.

* The ISP's DNS Server tells the User's operating system the IP Address for google.com.

* The operating system tells the Web Browser the IP Address for www.google.com.

* The web browser connects and starts communication with www.google.com.

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